Incubyte DevOps Assessment
Careers Software Craftsmanship DevOpsHello there, Welcome to the Incubyte DevOps Assessment!
Through this assessment, we want to evaluate how well you can work with CI/CD tools across the board. We want to see the DevOps Engineer in you.
For this assessment, your goal is to create a CI/CD pipeline that can be used to test, build and deploy an application. The application should be deployed to the cloud and will be tested against a set of test cases.
Application Details
This repository is a simple Micronaut application. Go through the repository description to understand what it does and how to run it. (See Readme for more details)
Your task is to implement the CI/CD pipelines for this application on Azure/AWS/Jenkins or your favorite CI/CD tools, with the following steps:
- Build
- Test
- Static code analysis (Any one of Sonar, PMD, FindBug, etc)
- Deploy the application on the cloud
Submitting the assessment
- Fork this repository.
- Complete the tasks as described above.
- Make sure you follow best practices for DevOps, git, and commit often.
- Add the link to your live application in the README.md file.
- Push your changes to GitHub.
- Send us a link to your repository.
Have questions?
Feel free to ask us anything! We are here to help.