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Incubyte DevOps Assessment

Careers Software Craftsmanship DevOps

Hello there, Welcome to the Incubyte DevOps Assessment!

Through this assessment, we want to evaluate how well you can work with CI/CD tools across the board. We want to see the DevOps Engineer in you.

For this assessment, your goal is to create a CI/CD pipeline that can be used to test, build and deploy an application. The application should be deployed to the cloud and will be tested against a set of test cases.

Application Details

This repository is a simple Micronaut application. Go through the repository description to understand what it does and how to run it. (See Readme for more details)


Your task is to implement the CI/CD pipelines for this application on Azure/AWS/Jenkins or your favorite CI/CD tools, with the following steps:

  1. Build
  2. Test
  3. Static code analysis (Any one of Sonar, PMD, FindBug, etc)
  4. Deploy the application on the cloud

Submitting the assessment

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Complete the tasks as described above.
  3. Make sure you follow best practices for DevOps, git, and commit often.
  4. Add the link to your live application in the file.
  5. Push your changes to GitHub.
  6. Send us a link to your repository.

Have questions?

Feel free to ask us anything! We are here to help.

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