Nitin Rajkumar


Monkey Patching in Ruby

Monkey Patching in Ruby

Software Craftsmanship Ruby

Ruby, as you all know, is a dynamic programming language that provides the ability and hence freedom to reopen the existing classes and change their behavior during runtime by adding new methods or modifying existing methods. This is what we refer to as ‘Monkey Patching’.

Origins of Graphql

Origins of Graphql

Software Craftsmanship GraphQL

Königsberg Bridge Problem — The Big Bang of GraphQL

“Starting from any of the four land areas A, B, C, D is it possible to cross each of the seven bridges exactly once and come back to the starting point without swimming across the river?” Solving this is how people spent their Sunday afternoon picnics in 1735.

Rails RESTful API, Outside in TDD

Rails RESTful API, Outside in TDD

Ruby on Rails TDD Software Craftsmanship

There is always a disciplined way to do things

I was waiting for the coffee dispenser to finish filling up my cup and my mind started wandering. Suddenly, I felt this rush. Was it a sense of pride? Could be. I had, just a few minutes ago, been able to solve a race-condition problem that was bugging me for a while. Sipping at the coffee I could see out the glass door, that it was raining. This is a good moment, I thought to myself. One thing I didn’t want to think about was the open tickets in the backlog. Unchallenging and menial, they bored me. With the soothing sounds of the rain in the background and the warmth of the fuel of the Gods, I was now thinking of ways I could avoid working on them!