
Why Incubyte?

Playbook Software Craftsmanship

Quality is usually an implicit requirement when it comes to developing software. Users ask for a beautiful UI, outstanding performance, and the functionality they need, but quality is never on the list - it is just expected! And because it is so, it is often overlooked. Users end up getting only what was explicitly stated.

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Technology Platforms & Business Economics

Technology Platforms & Business Economics


Early in a project, we have to decide which platforms we’ll use. Which platforms depend on our ideas for solving the users’ problems. After considering what’s best for users, the best tools for us have a strong community, make us happy, and help us create and iterate quickly. Our developers are highly versatile with their choice of tools and integrate the tools’ ideologies into their development process.Some of the tools we use and platforms we work with (and highly recommend) are/Some of the ideologies that our choice of tech platforms abide by are: